Adult Ministries
Opportunities for Faith, Growth, and Fellowship

Trinity's Adult Faith Formation ministries are designed to encourage you in your walk with God and equip you for service in His kingdom as well as provide opportunities for you to get to know others and be known by them. Regardless of your stage or situation in life there are many opportunities to better know Christ and others, to grow in depth of faith understanding and relationship with others and to sow seeds of God's love and light through fellowship and service to others in our community and world.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the opportunities listed below, please feel free to contact the church office at
419-227-0800. We look forward to the opportunity to explore faith life with you.
For Men
Monday Morning Men
This group of early risers meets weekly and uses a variety of resources for topical discussion and personal sharing. They conclude each week with communion.
Day/Time: Mondays, 6:00 A.M.
Location: Trinity's parlor
Miscellaneous Info: Each participant is responsible for the cost of any resources used
Wednesday Morning Men
This group of early risers meets weekly and uses a passage of scripture each week as the basis for their discussion.
Day/Time: Wednesdays, 6:45 A.M.
Location: McDonald's on Market Street
Miscellaneous Info: Participants bring own Bibles
Contact: Frank Cooley
Phone: 419-339-7453

For Women
Monday Morning Women
This group of women shares in Christian fellowship and uses a variety of Bible study resources.
Day/Time: Mondays, September - May, 10:00 A.M. - Noon
Location: Conference Room #1 - Sanctuary Level
Miscellaneous Info: Each participant is responsible for the cost of any resources used
Women's Retreat
The annual women's retreat provides a time of rest and renewal as well as spiritual growth, fun and fellowship for women.

For Couples
Couple's Journey
This ministry is for all couples who desire fellowship with other couples and time to focus on their relationships as a means of discipleship and spiritual enrichment for the individual, the couple, and the greater community. You will find the time both interesting and a lot of fun whether you have been married for one or 60 years.
Day/Time: Second Sunday of each month, September-May, 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.
(Couple's Journey will begin with a fellowship event in September and resume regular monthly gatherings in October.)
Location: Trinity's parlor
Miscellaneous Info: Time together includes group discussion and private time for couples dialogue as well as time for fellowshipping; a social gathering is held usually in the month of June
Contact: Dick and Deb Schroeder
Phone: 419-229-6922

Spiritual Growth
Sunday School Classes
Awesome Adults: This traditional adult Sunday school class for the adult on the go utlizes stand-alone, homework-free weekly lessons that are targeted for every person, no matter where they are in their faith journey.
Day/Time: Every Sunday, September-May, 9:15 - 10:15 A.M.
Location: Trinity's youth lounge on the third floor
Serendipity: Geared towards the baby boomer generation this class studies a variety of resources, often using popular literature to explore and deepen understanding of God's grace and his will for us. Participants delve into scripture, searching for meanings that are manifested in their daily lives and in their service to God. Periodically, the class focuses on images produced by great artists illustrating biblical events.
Day/Time: Every Sunday except the first Sunday of each month,
September - May, 9:15 - 10:15 A.M.
Location: Trinity's balcony room #307
Miscellaneous Info: Several members of this class assist with the breakfast the first Sunday of each month
Contact: Linda Lehman
Phone: 419-228-2057

Book Clubs
The purpose of Trinity's book clubs is to read and discuss a variety of books; both religious and secular, fiction and non-fiction, light and serious; but always with a bent to seeing what they reveal to us about God and humans and the relationship between the two. Group members take turns hostessing each month by providing the snack and leading the discussion.
Eager Readers
Day/Time: The third Wednesday of each month, 7:00-8:30 P.M.
Location: Trinity's parlor
Miscellaneous Info: Group members take turns hostessing each month by selecting the book to be discussed, providing the snack and leading the discussion.
Contact: Jane Hankins
Phone: 419-991-8501
Friday Morning Group
Day/Time: The third Friday of each month, September-June, 9:30-11:00 A.M.
Location: Trinity's balcony room #307
Miscellaneous Info: Group members use the June gathering to select books for the next year; they also take turns hostessing each month by providing the snack and leading the discussion.
Contact: Sandie Kinkle
Phone: 419-224-4664